It was an All-Star Weekend at the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists Urban Journalism Workshop this week as a Toronto Raptor and Lincoln Humanities and Communications Magnet alum brought his Chris Bosh Foundation to town, along with many of his teammates. Some participants felt that we shouldn’t meet because of the “bad” weather--we had a little snow! I told them two things: in this business, the weather becomes the story; and, if they turned on the television and didn’t see any journalists, opened the door and their newspaper wasn’t there, or turned on the radio and didn’t hear any broadcasters, we wouldn’t be meeting. The day began with a Current Events Quiz. I thought it was pretty easy because the night before I was hanging out at the Cedric the Entertainer After Party at Harwood 609. You take the quiz: 1. Name the shortest player ever to win the NBA All-Star Slam dunk contest? 2. Who is the Mayor of Dallas? 3. Name the “Dr.” who won the NBA All-Star Slam dunk contest? 4. What auto company is in the news because of the massive recall of its autos? 5. What team won the 2010 Super Bowl? 6. Who performed during the halftime of the 2010 Super Bowl? 7. Where are the 2010 Winter Olympics? 8. What tragedy occurred at the 2010 Winter Olympics? 9. What former presidential candidate is currently embroiled in a scandal? 10. What former president was hospitalized last week? BONUS: Who is the governor of Texas? I told you it was easy! Wait until next week.
After reviewing the quiz, we actually had a 100 from workshop veteran Robert Musgrove who began the program a couple of years ago when he was at Paul Quinn College. He is about to graduate from Texas A&M Commerce. Also Kenezia Smith (no relation), a neophyte, from El Centro College scored a 90! The students were briefed about the time they would spend with Chris Bosh and then veteran journalist Steve Pickett of CBS-11 shared interviewing techniques and note-taking and newsgathering tips with the participants. Additionally it was interesting hearing about Steve’s journey . He told students, “Use your bias to show your balance.” and to “Balance your subjectivity.” Everyone should hear Steve’s take on “objectivity” because sometimes folks get caught up --it’s about balance and fairness. He also introduced CBS- 11 cameraman Troy Larkins. Then the students moved to the auditorium where they were received bags from the Chris Bosh Foundation and ate lunch courtesy of McDonald’s. Cheryl “Action” Jackson of WFAA-TV warmed everyone up for Judge Greg Mathis and Chris Bosh. They all had inspiring messages and workshop participants were taking notes and pictures. Cheryl gave out money and Chris gave computers!!! They also heard from Paul Quinn College President Dr. Michael J. Sorrell and Mrs. Freda Bosh, Chris' mother. Paul Quinn is also a recipient of computers. SPECIAL THANKS: Workshop alum Jasmine Patrick of KKDA-AM and Langston University brought donuts and punch; Sherilyn Smith-Rudolph of Enigma L.L.C, for including the workshop in the Chris Bosh program (Sherilyn, formerly of the Dallas Weekly has been a speaker at the workshop over the years); and The Spears Family (their son, James is in the workshop), who agreed to donate lunch for two weekends!!! NEXT WEEK: Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Irwin Thompson of the Dallas Morning News will tell stories with pictures and Gary with the Tea from the Rickey Smiley Morning Show will share his experiences from the workshop and working in radio. Then there will be a discussion on Ethics, the choosing of editors and a budget meeting. Cheryl
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