The workshop's last day and we started off with the popular current events quiz.
1. Who are the Dallas MAVs in the playoff against? 2. Who is leading in the MAVs v. _____________ series? 3. Name the two African American civil rights leaders who died in the past 2 weeks 4. Name the airlines that had a near collision with a small aircraft last week. 5. Name the organization that was ordered to pay $18.5 million to a sexually abused man 6. Name the U.S. Supreme Court Justice who is stepping down. 7. What does TAKS stand for? 8. Who did the owner of the Cowboys blame for the stadium not being built in Dallas? 9. Who is the owner of the Cowboys? 10. Which dollar bill is being discussed to change the face of? BONUS 1 WHOSE FACE IS BEING PITCHED TO APPEAR ON THE AFOREMENTIONED BILL? 2. WHAT DOES S.A.T. STAND FOR? Well hats off to Tayler Henley of Paul Quinn College! She had an almost perfect score! Amazing what a little studying will do!!! SO this week, we completed all of our assignments and planned for the Closing Ceremony: WHO - DFW/ABJ Urban Journalism Workshop WHAT - Closing Ceremony WHERE - Lincoln Humanities and Communications Magnet WHEN - Sunday, MAY 2, 2010 at 3p.m. Invite your friends and relatives to join us as we review the works you have produced over the past three months. A Special thanks to Clarice Tinsley of FOX 4 News, for her contribution to the workshop. Cheryl
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